Thursday, February 28, 2019

True to the word [RELIGION]

        What do I think about Queers in regard to the Christian faith? I want to establish here in the beginning that I’m not going to use the alphabet designation. Queers keep adding groups. And that means more letters and/or symbols. It’s starting to remind me of the name of Mr. Mxyzptlk in the Superman comics. No vowels there either. I can’t keep up. We haven’t even got into sub categories. I’m an oldster. I come from a simpler time. Now I have to ask my wife what in the world we’re talking about when a new gender comes up. She’s very patient. She explains. I’m just reverting back to using the word Queer.
        I consider myself fortunate that I’m not a pastor. I’m not a theologian. Don’t know Greek except for really liking those sandwiches that aren’t pronounced like they’re spelled. I have read the bible. I have several. When I see the scholars talking or writing about the bible it sounds to me like they’re just making up words. Then I look up the word and sure enough it means something. I don’t know all of God’s different names. It’s just easier to stick with God. Let’s just avoid getting into the trinity. This should be enough to establish that I’m not any kind of expert. I’m willing to sign papers.
        So I just read what those people-that-are-all-the-things-that-I’m-not have to say on the subject of the bible. Here’s a little of what I’ve learned. They can’t agree on stuff either. They load up their scripture canons and fire it at the other side. The other side loads up their canons with context and fires back. There’s a lot of contextualizing skirmishes going on at any given time. Except for when we get to the earth being flat and a big dome being over us that holds back the water. That’s kind of a downer. But there you are.
        As long as the sides are just haranguing each other it really isn’t a problem. Well, except for when real world consequences start happening. How about a nice Spanish Inquisition? Or the Protestant Catholic wars? People of color not being allowed? Divorcees being second class Christians? Women not having a place in the church other than a pew seat and fixin’ food? Or women being subservient?
        One thing I can tell you for sure is that if I had known then what I know now I would have asked for a pre-save agreement when I accepted Jesus and was held under the water. One thing for sure is that I would have had it down on paper how long I could have been held under. There would have been language in there that I wouldn’t do anything hurtful or stupid to people should something come up that was open to interpretation. My right to exercise my free will; to come and go as I please would have been guaranteed. GUAR - AN - TEED! I would have used someone like Sheldon Cooper to work out the details. It would have been ironclad.
        I can remember some of my first conversational questions with the pastor of the Southern Baptist church that we belonged to at that time. I asked the good reverend what if a man living in a faraway country that never read a bible or had access to knowledge about Jesus but he was a good man and lived a good life when he died would he go to heaven? He answered “no.” he explained that was why missionary work was so important. My first thought at his answer? Well, that’s bullshit*.
        Queers can’t get married in the church. Queers can’t be pastors. Queers are an abomination. Queers are second class Christians. “Love the sinner. Hate the sin.” Bullshit! That is one awesome load of bullshit! That is bullshit to infinity! Yes that’s right, we’re talking bullshit to infinity and beyond here.
        Wow! It only took me seven paragraphs to get to what I’m talking about. If I remember correctly this is supposed to be done in the first paragraph. Hey, like I said. I’m not a scholar but I do know bullshit when I see or hear it. So do unbelievers.
        Look, we already sound crazy enough with that whole bible story about the virgin birth without dragging in all this other stuff. What stuff? This ‘love the sinner, hate the sin stuff.’ It really doesn’t make any difference if those of the faith are name calling each other. It does matter if those not of the faith are using words like intolerance, bigotry, racist, homophobic, etc. Especially if they’re right.
        I have been perusing religious, news and social media sites. The sanctimonious comments are awe-inspiring, especially when combined with self-righteous back patting. Thank you for being piously “true to the word!”
        I think everyone should have the opportunity to be singled out and have a sermon based upon Romans 1 directed at them. Doesn’t really start off all that bad but the dude starts getting worked up around verse 18 and ends a long list of accusations with saying the person being talked about is worthy of death. I was that person. I wasn’t even Queer. Well, as it turns out I was, according to the good reverend.
        After serving in the Army for four years I had let my hair grow out after I was discharged in 1970. This was back in the day when I had hair. Since my faith in God had served me well by helping me through some difficult times in the Army I decided to get back in touch with my roots. Though I was saved in a Southern Baptist church there was a regular Baptist church just down the street. It was the one that my first wife and I had gotten married at. I went alone. I am glad that I went alone.
        Unsurprisingly, I was the only long-haired hippie there. Also, I was dressed waaay too casually. The pastor gave a sermon from Romans 1. He talked about long-haired freaks in general before getting to the bible verses and then just scattered verses like confetti throughout his attack. The congregation ate it up. Ate. It. Up. I didn’t get really uncomfortable until I realized that he really was directing his comments at me and really was pointing and gesturing at me. Just briefly I thought that I was being a tad paranoid until I realized that the congregation was staring at me as well and I was at the back of the church. I thought about leaving but thought instead noooooo, I’ll just stick it out. I didn’t think they would really go so far as to kill me on a sunny Sunday morning. After the service I did walk out. Kind of glad that I sat at the back. That would have been a much longer walk if I had been at the front. No one thanked me for coming. No one talked with me at all. I do remember thinking that the time would come that the church would need long-haired hippie people in their congregation. That church is barely hanging on now.
        I left church for 40 years. And I am of the faith.
        Just what a faith in decline needed! More negative publicity! What will come of this?
        Well, for one thing there’s going to be a lot of collateral damage. These kinds of actions don’t affect just the UMC. The number of people actively engaged in Christianity will continue to decline across the various sects. Clergy will have their lives destroyed. Families will feel betrayed. Thousands of churches across the nation will be fractured, some hopelessly. The UMC is going to have more empty buildings to put on the market. Smaller congregations will go away. Individual UMC members are already leaving their church. Emphasis on ‘their.’
        People need to understand that whether its churches or the government the hardline conservative elements are perfectly willing to see it all burned to the ground as long as they stay TRUE TO their interpretation of what THE WORD means. They have the headlines. They have the bully pulpit. Their way or the highway. The conservative elements of the UMC will only increase in power as progressives leave. The UMC will continue to encourage hating Queers in Africa. It’s gaining them power and strength not only there but here as well. Religion used as a force multiplier for intolerance.
        The multitude of good works being done by churches every day will continue to go unnoticed and be unknown to the general population. Church people will continue to minister to the poor, sick, needy, immigrants, and those needing love in general.
        But what do the people not of the Christian faith that are sitting out there taking all this in think? What do Queers, their family, friends or just general non-believing public think? Are they thinking “oh yeah, I want to get me some of that! I really want to see what people that call me an abomination have to offer me!” Obviously bigots that don’t like Queers in the first place will be drawn to the message. There isn’t any way to measure what the population thinks other than what they do with their feet. They will continue walking away from organized religion.
        What do the rest of us do?
        Move to the front of the bus.

*I really like that word. I don’t use it much. A few years back I kind of gave up cussing because I liked it so much. Let’s just say I finally reached the conclusion that it was off putting. This is probably why I like Pastrix Nadia Bolz Weber so much.
        I have written a number of other articles about homosexuality and the church including “TheTwo Great Commandments” at my Blog. I posted one titled “TheChurch of Just Us” at “Happy to be a Presbyterian” on facebook. That essay was based upon "The Truth of our hearts" where I wrote about what the UMC was doing to Pastor Frank Schaefer. I’ve written several others on different topics like “Losing Jesus”, “Did Jesus brush his teeth”and "Finding Jesus in Charlottesville" to mention a few. These links are provided so anyone that wants to know a little more about me can.